The Slutty Librarians and the Overdue Book

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I have a new book up on Amazon: The Slutty Librarians and the Overdue Book

This is the beginnings of a new series that has been lots of fun to write. Gwen, Emma, and Fiona love to share their favorite books, and they love to have sex.

In the Slutty Librarians and the Overdue Book, Jason has two problems: First, he hates where he lives and second, he has an overdue book. Overdue books shouldn’t be a big problem, but the smoking hot librarians noticed him taking out a sex manual, and Jason is too mortified to go near the library. When he was looking for a place to live, he discovered the only place he could afford to rent in town was with the same smoking hot librarians. Was this going to be the best thing that had ever happened to him, or the worst?

Free Promotion for The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Miss Hyde

Hey guys, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Miss Hyde is going to be free from Wednesday, November 8th to Sunday, November 12th. If you’ve been curious but short on cash, this is a great time to download. As always, I’d deeply appreciate it if you could leave an honest review on Amazon.

Twenty Thousand Lusts Under the Sea is now available!

It’s live on amazon! Find it at

Captain Nemo: The original bad boy billionaire anti-hero!
When Professor Aronnax and her companions find themselves on board the impossible submarine The Naughty Lust, she can hardly believe the possibilities on board. Not only are the opportunities for scientific research and sexual experimentation unparalleled, she finds herself falling in love with the mysterious captain.

Background on Captain Nemo

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Not many readers know that Captain Nemo in Jules Verne’s classic 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was from India. In the original draft, Verne wanted him to be Polish aristocracy hating the Russian government, but his editor talked him out of it. In the original book, his origins and motivations remain a mystery. In a sequel, he was later revealed to be an Indian hating the English government. In many translations of the sequel, this is turned into a blink-and-you-miss-it moment. I guess through most of the 20th century, charismatic anti-heroes weren’t supposed to be from India. Alan Moore portrayed him as an Indian in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but as far as I know, Nemo has been white in all of the movies or other derivative work.

I wasn’t familiar with the area of India Nemo was supposed to be from, Bundelkhand. When I looked it up, I was astonished to find this badass warrior queen who took on the English when they tried to cheat her out of her crown. So she was a contemporary and colleague of the captain’s during the 1857 war of Independence.

This is distracting me from working on my smut pastiche of Verne, but wow, now I want to read a book about Captain Nemo and Rani Lakshmibai. An amazing fictional character and an amazing historical character, in the same place and the same time. I’m surprised I’ve never heard of her — this is a great feminist story.

Jekyll and Hyde

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When I read the original story of Jekyll and Hyde, I was struck by how little actually happens in it. All of the adaptations over the years have added so much the original feels like a let down. We never even find out why Jekyll felt moved to create his alter-ego Hyde — we know that he has some repressed urge he needs an outlet for, but we never know what it is. As modern readers, we assume it’s sex, but there is no inkling of sex in the original which is as repressed and buttoned down as it’s possible to be. In a way, this is one of the strengths of the story, because it lets the reader put in their own repressed desires.

As I retold it, as erotica of course the missing urge is sex, but it’s more than that. These characters just want to feel something, and if they have to turn into different people and employ whips to feel anything at all, that’s what they are going to do.

Change in Plans

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Change of plans… I’m going to be putting out a version of Jekyll and Hyde before Dr. Moreau.

I’ve been trying to navigate the murky waters of Amazon’s content guidelines for erotica. I knew going in that bestiality stories are outlawed and that people get around this by writing about mythical beasts. I don’t know for a fact, but it appears as though Beauty and the Beast has been put under adult filter for bestiality because while the Beast is a magical creature he has certain body parts described as being wolf-like.

Clearly, if Beauty and the Beast is bestiality, my version of Island of Dr. Moreau is even more so. So, I will have to publish that one on another platform with more open guidelines. It means re-formatting and learning some new tricks. I will let you know when and where it is ready so we can all enjoy wild sex with beast men.

Luckily, I have another novella finished that will go up on Amazon early next week. More details on that in the next post.

Island of Dr. Porneau

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Mr. Dunwich and I were talking the other day and one of us came up with the title “Island of Dr. Porneau.” We thought this was delightful. We giggled all day about it. I had to write it. Mr. Dunwich asked me to please include pigs in the beast men, as he has long admired their sex lives. We both thought this was the best title we’d ever heard in our lives and was obviously going to be a best seller because who could resist buying a book about Dr. Porneau?
Sadly, after Beauty and the Beast was adult-listed for Beauty’s bare butt (which still makes me sad) I started worrying about titles including the word porn. For some weird reason, if I call the book porn, Amazon is going to think the book is porn. I know, crazy, right? So I don’t think I can use my wonderful title. Amazon is not clear about their rules, so it’s tempting to try it and see what they do, but I fear there would be long term implications for my account if I keep getting slammed.
Today, I’m finishing up the formatting and uploading the book to amazon. The title will be Island of Dr. Moreau, Salacious Classics. But the character in the story will be named Dr. Porneau. You all know what the title would have been in a perfect world. Act accordingly.